Total Number of Events that have been listed on

So to celebrate being 6 months old we thought we would list the Top 10 Events on EventsnWales by rank of page views. This is counted every time the individual event page is viewed or loaded from the website on any device. Many factors could determine if your event has made it into our top 10 events such as

  • the length of time the event was listed on the website prior to the event
  • how popular the event is in general
  • if it has been searched through search engines
  • how many times the event page has been shared via social media and other sources

These are just a few things that can contribute to an event getting listed in the top 10 events. Many other factors exist but we have just listed some to give you an idea of things that can influence the number of page views your events page gets.

top 10 events

Top 10 Events on EventsnWales

#1 Race of Remembrance brought to you by Mission Motorsport – The Forces Motorsport Charity

This event tops the chart after being one of the original events listed on the website from launch and with just over 2 months to the Race of Remembrance event has been live on the website for the full 6 months. A great charity event which you can read more about by visiting the event page and see how to attend a very special remembrance Sunday service.

#2 Kidwelly Carnival 2015

The Kidwelly Carnival 2015 was held in July and was only listed a very short period prior to the event but attracted a high volume of page views since being listed. I have no doubt that they will be listing future events on our website.

#3 Rods Tour of Wales

Rod listed his solo Ride from North to South Wales on the website from launch and we can confirm that only yesterday Rod completed his 3 day, 250 mile ride for charity pop over to the original event page Rods Tour of Wales as it’s never to late to donate to the 2 charities Rod was raising money for.


Another event that was fairly limited on time prior to the date of the event, but with all you animal and especially Pug lovers around you managed to get the event into the top 10 events on eventsnwales. Feel free to have a read about the event in the event achieves PUGFEST event page.

#5 Ruthin Castle Family Fun Day

The Ruthin Castle Family Fun Day was heavily searched via search engines during the short period prior to the event listed and this helped it land a spot at number 5 in the top 10 events.

#6 Fathers Day Charity Bikeride – Raising Awareness of Prostate Cancer

Originally listed for a local event in Cwmbran with other area’s of Wales being added later which helped the Fathers Day Charity Bikeride – Raising Awareness of Prostate Cancer into the top 10 events on EventsnWales.

#7 Cpl Mike Thacker Memorial Match

This event was held in Caerleon in May this year and we have heard that the Memorial match will be part of an annual fun day held in Caerleon which will hopefully continue to be listed on if you would like to read more about the event links are provided on the old event page.

#8 Dalmatian BikeRide 2015 – St. David’s Hospice

It was the 4th year that the Dalmatian BikeRide had been held and another great event to have listed on eventsnwales and no surprise that this event made it into the top 10 events listed on EventsnWales due to the popularity of the event.

#9 South Wales Dog & Family Fun Day

With the amount of Animal lovers that also visit our website the South Wales Dog & Family Fun Day hit the last but one sport of the top 10 events even only being listed on the website for 2 months prior to the event.

#10 Laugharne Weekend 2015

As a very popular weekend the Laugharne Weekend 2015 finishes the top 10 events this has been searched a number of time through search engines.

All the above events and every event that is listed on our website is still able to be found via search engines after the date of the event. This means that by listing events on our website your details can be found for a period after and still spread the awareness of the events after the actual date. People sometimes ask but what is the benefit of this. The benefit comes from the fact that search engines still crawl the pages so your details such as website or social media pages that are linked from the event can be found allowing visitors to still connect with the companies, organisations or individuals that put on the events that have been listed.

Once again and as always we are grateful to all that list your events on the website and will continue to do all that we can to increase the exposure of, our social media accounts and all events listed on the website.

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